Pre Wash, how important?
How Important is the PRE WASH Step in your Detailing routine?
Oh, it's right up there on that list!
Without a proper PRE WASH stage you will run the risk of dragging every piece of dirt, grit, tar, insects across your paintwork - which can only result in a negative way, micro abrasion, scratches, marring, all of which kill your paint and clear coat.
A PRE WASH is specifically designed to lay onto the dirt and pull it away from the surface with strong surfactants (soaps), dissolve the grime with stronger chemicals (mild caustics), which result in a contact free decontamination of your painted surfaces, plastics, alloys and glass also, without any contact washing causing damage.
Dilute Our PRE WASH as per instructions on the bottle, separate dilution ratios will apply depending on just how filthy the vehicle is.
Apply by Spray directly onto the vehicle, really soak those areas that need special attention like behind the wheels, the tailgate, the windscreen.
Soak, allow to Soak on the car for two minutes before removal with clean water.
Rinse, preferably with a jet wash, although a hosepipe will work just as well. Do Not Allow to dry out, if you are using this in direct sunlight you must cool the metal panels first with water - Yes, this will dilute your formula slightly, but it will be far easier to work with than baked on grime if left to cook on the paintwork!
You are now ready for your SNOW FOAM stage, which will be followed by your Contact Wash stage.
Alternate Method, Apply PRE WASH, allow to dwell for two minutes, now Apply SNOW FOAM over the top. Adding this will really enhance the cleanse with exceptional pulling power, emulsifying the pre wash and drawing it down to the lower areas of the car with gravity helping the thick blanket work it's magic.
Click the image below to order your PRE WASH today!